Hello again! It's time, already, for another update on our lives with Little Man. I still tell people that William is 6 months old, and have to jog my own memory. Will this happen when he is 18 too? Probably.......
William is just so cute these days. He crawls around the apartment in a very stately, lord of the manner style, surveying his domain. And lets face it, he is lord of the manor! He has quite methodically explored every room, bookcase, and closet in the house. He's not destructive at all (yet) but really curious. My approach has been to permit him to check things out under my supervision in the hopes that he will lose interest after having a good look. I'll let you know if it works! He also pulls himself to standing quite confidently now, and is starting to move between pieces of furniture...not quite 'cruising' yet, but getting there. He can carefully lower himself from standing to pick something up, then stand again. He has started to let go of what he is holding with one hand (while holding tight with the other) and raises his arm in a circus performance style 'ta-da'! So o
f course we oblige him with big ta-das and a round of applause. No wonder he has also learned to clap his hands! However in learning all these things he has taken many tumbles, and has the bruises to prove it. When he falls, or is tired, or bored, he calls out for "Mamamamaaaa!". My doctor asked me if my heart melted hearing this and I said no 'cause he is usually screaming his head off :) But yes, I love it that his first word was for me!
Our normally healthy boy has had a few health issues this month. We have been noticing that his right eye is a bit lazy, so we took him to an opthamologist. She thinks it is nothing serious, but has given us some eye exercises to do with him and will have us follow up with her colleague to check for an astigmatism. We notice that a lot of little French kids have Harry Potter style glasses on (so cute) and she told me that the French are very proactive with eye care in youth, so fewer people need glasses later. If William does need glasses it seems we are in experienced hands.
The other incident happened at Ikea where I was using the baby change room to change his diaper. The sink was conveniently located right beside the change table, so William of course stuck his hands into the sink area (we call him the tuna cause he is like a beached fish when you are changing his diaper, flip flip flip!). All of a sudden he screamed and I pulled him away. Thinking he was scared, I showed him how Mommy washes her hands only to realize that the water was scalding hot! I whipped William up to the cafeteria to put ice on his little red hands and fumingly told the friend we were with that I would ask Greg to call after work to give the store heck in French. Then I thought, no darn it, I'm here and I'm ticked, so off I went and did it myself! All in French, ha ha! They said they would fix it right away so we will see.......
And finally William had his first illness: roseola infantum. Apparently it is a very common mild version of the measles. As it started simply with a mild fever I thought he was teething, and as a result didn't panic. Then the rash came out! Thankfully a friend had told me about it as it did look pretty scary! William is back to his old self now. First illness: another milestone passed for Mommy and baby.
On a happier note we took a nice family vacation to Aubeterre sur Dronne, located in the south of France, in late July. Sadly the weather was really dreary for the first bit, but this time we were in a little village so there were things to do. We watched movies, shopped for pottery, and drove to nearby Brantome for lunch. When the weather improved, we swam in the river and Greg got to do some fishing.....but no catching! Overall it was a nice trip. Our accomadations were great and the local people extremely friendly. But I think one of my favorite parts was having a dryer again! We went home with every stitch we'd brought fluffed and folded! Ah, soft towels again.....
We are enjoying Paris quiet and peaceful with everyone gone en vacances......I don't understand why Parisians all go on holiday at the same time and to the same place, but I am grateful for the respite from the hurly burly! But they will be back, and so will I with further updates on our intrepid adventures!
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